Technical Papers - End User Applications
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A New Positioning Filter:Phase Smoothing in the Position Domain
Tom Ford, NovAtel Inc.
Jason Hamilton, NovAtel Inc.
GPS Positioning in the Fast Track: Track Model Constraint Enhancement for OEM4
Tom Ford, NovAtel Inc.
Ken Milnes, Sportvision Inc.
Matt Lazar, Sportvision Inc.
Real-Time Carrier Phase Positioning Using the RTCM Standard Message Types 20/21 and 18/19.
Janet Brown Neumann, Keith J. VanDierendonck, Allan Manz, and Thomas J. Ford (NovAtel Inc.)
Ref.: TP0047
Proposed Airport Pseudolite Signal Specification for GPS Precision Approach Local Area Augmentation Systems
A. J. Van Dierendonck (AJ Systems), Pat Fenton (NovAtel Inc.), Chris Hegarty (The MITRE Corporation)
Ref.: TP0046
Precise GPS time transfer to a moving vehicle
Tor Egil Melgard, David Last, Bernard Thomas
Ref.: TP0043
Core Technology Developments and End-user Products at NovAtel
Simon Newby, Pat Fenton, Janet Neumann, Bryan Townsend
The Use of Differential Satellite Navigation Systems in an Automatic Flight Inspection System
Cecelia M. Feit, Martin R. Bates
Ref.: TP0039
High-Precision Trajectory Determination Using Satellite Navigation Systems
D. Alexander Stratton, Parker Hannifin
Ref.: TP0038
Improved GPS Positioning for Motor Vehicles Through Map Matching
Craig A. Scott
Ref.: TP0037
GPS/GIS and Space Time Data
Ewan Masters, Bernd Hirsch, Ken Wong
Ref.: TP0036
The Development of a Modular DGPS System
T.J. McCall
Ref.: TP0035
Extending Narrow-Correlator Technology to P(Y) - Code Receivers: Benefits and Issues
Steven N. Karels, Thomas J. Macdonald, Dr. Mats E. Viggh, Robert J. Balla
Ref.: TP0034
Accurate Positioning in a Flight Inspection System Using Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Cecelia M. Feit, Martin R. Bates
Ref.: TP0033
Dynamic GPS Attitude Performance Using INS/GPS Reference
J. Chris McMillan
Ref.: TP0032
Assessment of a Non-Dedicated GPS Receiver System For Precise Airborne Attitude Determination
M.E. Cannon, H. Sun, T.E. Owen, M.A. Meindl
Ref.: TP0031
What's New from NovAtel
Simon Newby, Wendy Corcoran
Ref.: TP0030
A Differential Global Positioning System for Flight Inspection of Radio Navigation Aids
Dr. D. Alexander Stratton
Ref.: TP0029
A Kinematic Carrier Phase Tracking System for High Precision Trajectory Determination
Dr. Wang Tang, Dale Turley, Gene Howell
Ref.: TP0028
DGNSS Positioning Techniques for Flight Inspection
Cecelia M. Feit, Martin R. Bates
Ref.: TP0027
Statistics of Time Rate of Change of Ionospheric Range Delay
M. Bakry Eli-Arini, Patricia H. Doherty, Eric Raffi, John A. Klobuchar
Ref.: TP0026
Seasonal Effect of Tree Foliage on GPS Signal Availability and Accuracy for Vehicular Navigation
G. Lachapelle, J. Henriksen, T. Melgard
Ref.: TP0023
Performance of Category IIIB Automatic Landings Using C/A Code Tracking Differential GPS
Dr. Stephen V. Rowson, Glenn R. Courtney, Richard M. Hueschen
Ref.: TP0020
Precise Aircraft-to-Aircraft Positioning Using a Multiple Receiver Configuration.
Lachapelle, G.H. Sun, M.E. Cannon, G. Lu (1994)
Ref.: TP0019
Performance Analysis of a Narrow CorrelatorTM Spacing Receiver for Precise Static GPS Positioning.
Cannon, M.E., G. Lachapelle, W. Qiu, S. L. Frodge, and B. Remondi (1994)
Ref.: TP0018
Performance Analysis of a Shipborne Gyrocompass With a Multi-Antenna GPS System.
Lu, G., G. Lachapelle, M.E. Cannon, and B. Vogel (1994)
Ref.: TP0016
GPS System Integration And Field Approaches In Precision Farming.
Gehue, H., G. Lachapelle, M.E. Cannon, T.W. Goddard, and D.C. Penney (1994)
Ref.: TP0015
GPS Signal Availability in an Urban Area - Receiver Performance Analysis.
Melgard, T.E., G. Lachapelle, and G. Gehue (1994)
Ref.: TP0014
Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring Using Commercial Single Frequency C/A Code Receivers.
Van Dierendonck, A.J., J. Klobuchar, and Q. Hua (1993)
Ref.: TP0013
Kinematic Ambiguity Resolution With a High Precision C/A Code Receiver.
Cannon, M.E., G. Lachapelle, and G. Lu (1993)
Ref.: TP0012
Quadruple Single Frequency Receiver System for Ambiguity Resolution on the Fly.
Lachapelle, G., C. Liu, and G. Lu (1993)
Ref.: TP0011
GPS Versus Loran-C for Vehicle Navigation in Urban and Mountainous Areas.
Lachapelle, G., B. Townsend, H. Gehue, and M.E. Cannon (1993)
Ref.: TP0010
Attitude Determination in a Survey Launch Using Multi-Antenna GPS Technologies.
Gang, Lu., M. E. Cannon, and G. Lachapelle (1993)
Ref.: TP0009
Precise Marine DGPS Positioning Using P Code and High Performance C/A Code Technologies. Lachapelle, G., C. Liu, G. Lu, B. Townsend, M.E. Cannon, and R. Hare (1993)
Ref.: TP0008
Ambiguity Resolution on the fly - A Comparison of P Code and High Performance C/A Code Receiver Technologies, also published A Comparison of P Code and High Performance C/A Code GPS Receivers for On The Fly Ambiguity Resolution.
Lachapelle, G., M.E. Cannon, and G. Lu (1992)
Ref.: TP0007
Flight Evaluation of a Basic C/A Code Differential GPS for Category 1 Precision Approach.
Hundley, W., S. Rowson, and G. Courtney (1992)
Ref.: TP0006
Precise Real-Time Kinematic Differential GPS Using a Cellular Radio Modem.
Falkenberg, W., T. Ford, J. Neumann, P. Fenton, M.E. Cannon, and G. Lachapelle (1992)
Ref.: TP0005
High Precision C/A Code Technology for Rapid Static DGPS Surveys.
Lachapelle, G., M.E. Cannon, C. Erickson, and W. Falkenberg (1992)
Ref.: TP0004
Analysis of a High Performance C/A Code GPS Receiver in Kinematic Mode.
Cannon, M.E., and G. Lachapelle (1992)
Ref.: TP0003
Vehicle Tracking GPS • GPS Antenna • Marine GPS