Note: This is the "OEM" version of the FW 2.312 update disk. You must have a unique authcode for each OEM4 GPS Card that you wish to update with this disk. Note2: References to "OEM4" include the entire OEM4 GPS hardware family, including the OEM4, OEM4-G2, and OEM4-G2L, and also including all enclosure variants such as the DL4, ProPak-LB, ProPak-4E, PowerPak-4, PowerPak-4E, ProPak-G2, and FlexPak (with the OEM4-G2L internal card option). To update your OEM4 GPS receiver to FW 2.312, first launch the application named WINLOAD.EXE. If you had previous versions of WINLOAD.EXE, please discard them in favor of this new version. You should be running at least WINLOAD.EXE v1.0.0.0 A51 (Alpha Release 51). You can verify this by clicking the "Help->About" menu within WINLOAD.EXE. When WINLOAD.EXE is started, go to the "Settings->COM Settings" menu and set up the PC's comport for your system. We recommend going with the default settings if possible. COM1, 115200 download baud and 9600 connect baud works good on most systems. Next, go to the file menu, and select "File Open". In the "File Open" dialog window, navigate to the "c:\unzip" directory (if necessary), and then double-click on the 2312.HEX file. Note: If you changed the default unzip path when you opened the "oem2312" archive, or if you moved the files after they were unzipped, then you will have to navigate to that custom path instead of "c:\unzip". The "File Open" dialog box will disappear, and the following (or similar) line of text should appear in the console window: "C:\unzip\2312.hex" Connect your OEM4's COM1 port to your PC's COM1 port (or whatever PC comport you selected in the "Settings" menu) using the "null" modem cable, have power ready, but DO *NOT* apply it to the GPS receiver yet, and then click the "Write Flash" button. Double-check that the power is unplugged to the OEM4 GPS receiver when prompted by the dialog box, click "Ok", and then plug power back into the OEM4 GPS Card about three seconds after the status screen says "Searching for card ... timeout in: 15 s". You will get the best results if you apply power at 12 s. (if the countdown starts at 60 instead of 15, then wait until it counts down to 57, then apply the power) The card will be initialized, and then you will be prompted for the authorization code for this particular OEM4 GPS Card. Enter the authcode complete with the commas, make sure that you enter the letters in the authcode in UPPERCASE FORMAT ONLY, and then click OK to begin the FW 2.312 update process. (lowercase or mixed case will not work properly, and you will get an error about an invalid authcode or a failed checksum, so just use UPPERCASE on the letters in the authcode) Note: You have thirty seconds to enter the authcode before WinLoad "times out" and aborts the firmware loading process. It helps to copy the authcode to the clipboard and then paste the authcode to WinLoad's "authcode entry text dialog box" using Ctrl-V to save time, and also to reduce the chance of entering an incorrect authcode due to a typing error. Once the OEM4 has been successfully loaded with FW 2.312 you *MUST* FRESET the GPS Card or it may operate erratically. The NVRAM table has changed from previous firmware revisions to this new FW 2.312 so you must use the FRESET command to "format" the NVRAM table to FW 2.312's specifications for reliable operation. You can FRESET the OEM4 GPS receiver by entering the FRESET command into it using a simple terminal program or by using the "Command Console" window under the GPSolution4 software. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update process, please contact NovAtel Customer Support at: Phone: 1-800-NOV-ATEL (1-800-668-2835) 1-403-295-4900